Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Starch Story!

Well, my husband has already shared this with so many people, I thought I might as well post it. So yesterday, I was in my bedroom folding some clothes. The boys were upstairs in the playroom, playing and fighting as usual. I had gotten into the "blocking the fighting noise from my head" mode. However, I started to hear this hsssssssss sound. I immediately threw the clothes down and dashed upstairs. I knew EXACTLY what was happening.

The day before I had taken the ironing board upstairs just so I could be up there with the boys while getting some chores done at the same time. I had moved the board, iron and starch into the bathroom so they wouldn't play with it. However, Braden I guess saw the bottle of starch and decided to see what it could do to his brother as well as the walls and toys in the playroom!

Yes, as I arrived at the top of the stairs there was poor little Logan standing there soaking wet, hair standing STRAIGHT Up, (it was heavy duty starch I might add) and looking at me with the "help me momma" look. As I glanced around the room, which did have a nice lemon fresh scent, I saw that the walls were covered in foamy suds, several of the toys were as well. I didn't immediately see Braden however. I called his name and he immerged from underneath the train table.

With a very STERN voice I asked him what in the world he had done. His response was..."I sprayed my brother and some other stuff." NO...Really?? I thought.... I asked why, he said, cuz i just wanted to. Well, there ya go. I think he saw I wasnt laughing and so when I told him to go straight to his room, for once I didn't get any back-talk. HE RAN!!

I grabbed a towel and wiped down the walls really quick, only because they were SOAKED and foam was running down the walls. I grabbed a soaking wet, stiff haired little boy and ran to the tub. Got Logan clean, then as I was carrying him to his room to find some dry clothes he decided to pee on me. Ah, it just keeps getting better! Braden was remarkably quiet, if you know him you would know just how remarkable it was.

Now it was time to deal with Braden. I went to his room and again asked why he had done what he did. I received the same response. So yes, he did get a spanking. Then I gave him a towel and told him he better get busy.

So, there is just a typical day in the life of the Martin's.